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Commission on Narcotic Drugs

President: Sofía Juanico Oceguera

Chair: Fátima Fuente del Campo González, Daniela García Arana, Sophia Esther Mendoza Montiel, Alexandra Sofía Reyes Galindo, María Fernanda Haro García


Topic A) Actions to eradicate drug trafficking in the Middle East to minimize the misuse of drugs for medical and recreational purposes

Topic B) Measurements to manage the production of narcotic drugs and alteration of fentanyl-based medication in the United Mexican States, with distribution to the United States of America

Background and faculties

The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) is composed of 53 Member States, founded by the Economic and Social Council in 1946. The purpose of this commission is to review, supervise and modify international narcotic substances control policies during annual regular meeting sessions between various regional groups, and it completes its function through resolutions, which are intended to enhance international or regional cooperation, coordinate regulations and identify potential changes that could improve the control of psychotropic stimulants. The CND is divided in two segments, a normative and operational fragment, which consider administrative, budgetary and active matters; it also functions as the governing body of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. The commission can add or remove drugs from international control, with the assistance of non-governmental, governmental and intergovernmental organizations, under the Psychotropic Drugs Convention (1971), with the basis of advice from the World Health Organization and the International Narcotics Control Board. 

The Commission on Narcotic Drugs  is entitled to:

  • Implement, modify and alter policies and legal practices to decrease the effects of narcotic substances in individuals while enhancing current security methods and regulations.

  • Provide support for international non-governmental as well as government organizations, to apply norms and create programs through the creation of forums, in order to improve the efficiency of existing protocols, or create alternative procedures.

  • Create expert groups of narcotic substances which disseminate, address, investigate, analyze, disclose and report data on psychotropic drugs through international governmental assemblies and conventions. By finding emerging issues and forms of drug trafficking.

  • Reform existing drug regulations using legal instruments, collaborating with intergovernmental organizations and implementing drug trafficking prevention strategies, in order to prevent the increase of narcotics production and consumption.

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